Fond farewells for spring. Dinner eaten in the front yard with H&P&AB, since the deck is basically a tanning bed. Marvelous that we can even have that in this climate, but you can hardly bear to be out there after two, let alone eat off the scalding slab of black marble that is the table. It feels truly Mediterranean, though - a baking plaza at siesta, or a clean, blonde beach tacked on to the back of our house.
Today I will pull out the peas and favas and put in the beginnings of the fall garden. Also, boil the pea pods with some parsley stems for stock.
Greens: purple sprouting/kale cross, and that crazy broad-leaved Italian thing (both from Hillsdale market -- those starts were beautiful, and have done so well. More next year, along with the name of the farm, and also the varieties.), and the lovely chard in row #3 which is Seed Savers Silverbeet, not the old Territorial stuff of which I am suspicious. The brassicas were starting to get aphids, so into the pan with garlic, red chili, white wine, chicken stock. Damn, can I eat a lot of greens.
White beans with oil and herbs: three kinds of thyme, two of oregano, golden marjoram, sage, chives, parsley (forgot the tarragon).
Risotto with fresh peas.
So much food, we didn't even grill the favas. Tonight then. Nora will be surprised.
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