Thursday, November 3, 2016


It is only the third day of November! I have meditated every day in November!

I had a good time in October doing the stomach series at 5:30am in the kitchen on my sheepskin Cadillac. (Really.) I did it almost every (week)day! All thanks to my most pepping and inspiring friend Brookie and her studio's Coretober event and her many instagram reminders. I was also inspired by another insta-campaign - or at least one I know about because of instagram - slo-tober, and spent some time taking care of our woolens: darning, stitching, and felting up moth holes and open seams; passing on hand knits that just don't get the wear they deserve; fold-rolling our clothing drawers, and just generally trying to be loving and attentive to the things we already own, clothing-wise.

These things made me happy because the phone can seem like a real energy/focus/time sucker, and I was pleased to feel in a tangible way the growth in IRL of seeds planted by people I experience virtually. It is kind of a miracle, that. So thank you for feeding me, friends and strangers; thank you for sharing what you love.

Which brings me to: nablopomo! I'm getting on the virtual bus! This month, like all months, I want to write more and be outside more. But more than the writing, which I do a lot of anyway, my challenge is the sharing. The finishing. The accepting as good enough. The just putting it out and allowing people to read or not read, like or not like, understand or feel totally weird about. This is very hard for me. I never feel like I have really expressed/explained/described exactly what I mean. Which is an excellent reason to keep trying. But is also a sort of gripping for me, which is rooted in some persistent misperceptions about boundaries, communication, and my work as a person. More on that as we go.

These photos are from all over the history of this garden because ... JUST SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH I can't figure out how to get Dropbox and Blogger to talk to each other and all my recent photos are on Dropbox instead of in my iPhoto library because I want to kill iPhoto (but not til I get all the old photos out, etc). So part of the challenge of trying to post everyday here on this ol garden blog will be just the technological aspect of it. I don't do it because it always seems to take so much longer to share than I think it will. Maybe I can tighten up the loop.

It is always fun to be reminded how utterly process-oriented this garden has been. Writing feels that way to me too. But editing and sharing do not. That is the challenge of this month, I suppose. Maybe someone will start leaving comments to encourage me? 

Look at the head on that kid, eh?

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