On Saturday:
They were earlier this year, but everything was. Maybe this is the new on-time. They were scabbier than two years ago, but better than last year, which was so dismal as to not - apparently - warrant documentation. (Though many things were different last summer.)
The last photo is my version of conclusive evidence that the scab is what causes the crumbly (gross) core that Jeff has been blaming on bugs. It is all scab! I say. Because scab is my enemy.
The big leaf clean up in early spring really did help, especially the Fuji, which is a healthier, better balanced tree in a space with better air movement. (those won't be ready to harvest for a few weeks, at least)
The new tree looks effected (which I am suddenly realizing maybe I have not mentioned here?) but I am not jumping to conclusions. Thing has about twelve leaves, and I selected it specifically for resistance.
I paid Z a penny an apple so I wouldn't have to crawl around in the undergrowth... I wonder if I can pay her by the bag for leaves? The white icicle currant which I loved is just about dead of scab. I'll pull it out this year. We'll see if the new native current I put back there is also susceptible. And I'm gonna put a million chive plants and shallots out there, and more nasturtiums around the trees. Three years to no scab, say those nutty, fairytale-loving permaculturists.
We wait with baited breath! Follow along for the next installment!
... and oh yeah, I made 16 pints of delicious applesauce. First canning I'd done all season. Took most of the day, felt great. Hello, September.
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