Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year

New Kitchen?

I have a special place where I keep my dreams about this space, but the truth is that no dream could stand up to the reality.  The food and friends and love and light and just plain hours that have gone into this room show on every surface.  Lane said: "I love what you've done to the place.  It's just so messed up."  and I have to agree.  Jeff hates to hear it, but this is an expression of how we live.

I'm starting to think that 2012 might be the year we grow up and stop pinning recipes to the wall and put some tile there instead.  If that's true, it will be a wonderful (easy to clean) thing.  But I will look back at this kitchen with great fondness.  I like to make a big deal out the choices we are trying to make for how the new kitchen will look and work, but really, I already have everything I need.  I cook here every day; it holds the people I love; and I can see my garden from here.

1 comment:

  1. It is perfect. And it will continue to be, as you make changes. Just keep cooking and bringing us all into your embrace and it will season up just wonderfully. I am always surprised by pictures of it. I don't see the walls anymore--it's just Devon's kitchen. You will have to make whole new friends after you add tile so they will see it fresh.

    I love the wreath with Jeff's reflection.
